From time to time, you will encounter mild gum problems. These problems are somehow related to swelling, bruising, scars, or inflammation. But if the damage is already affecting your quality of life, then you need to take proper action immediately. Perhaps you need to adjust your dental habits or have some dental cleanings.

Here’s a checklist of your new gum and teeth routine care:

Daily Activities For Your Teeth and Gums

You’re probably aware that everyone must keep their teeth clean by brushing and flossing constantly. This advice is true because constant brushing and flossing can reduce bacterial formation. Proper dental activities can also reduce plaque buildup. Yet, busy schedules and excuses prevent most people from committing to these dental activities every day. If you’re serious about teeth and gum care, don’t be like these people!

Practically, brushing is almost always effective but flossing improves it further. Think of flossing as an additional cleaning method that will remove tricky bacteria and plaque. You can use dental string flosses or water irrigators, depending on your cleaning style. String flosses are manual while dental water irrigators have an automatic function. Hence, dental irrigators fetch higher costs in the market.

The cleaning technique is another important aspect. If you’re only brushing chosen sections of your teeth, you won’t get maximum cleaning advantages. Flossing has the same notion. As much as possible, you need to reach all gaps and sections – not just the ones that people see. If you have the time, try to personalize your cleaning style so that you won’t be bored. But of course, you must discuss any new style with your dentist.

Optimal Nutrition for Your Gums

Brushing and flossing are the drivers of optimum oral health development. Dental cleanings are also included in the checklist. But one essential factor shouldn’t be neglected: nutrition. If you eat the best foods for your general nutrition, your teeth and gums will have greater chances against periodontitis or other dental diseases. And not only that – your overall health will improve significantly!

These are some viable nutritious foods for your teeth and gums:

  • Eggs, fish, soybeans, lentils, cereals
  • Oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches
  • Antioxidants like apples, mangoes, onions, soursop
  • Cucumber, carrots, watermelon, pineapple
  • Cheese, milk
  • Fresh yogurt with fruit slices

Now if you’re really serious about improving your dental health, you must avoid processed foods. Some of the well-known notorious processed foods are burgers, french fries, smoothies, sundaes, hotdogs, and sodas. These harmful foods will slowly destroy your teeth, gums, and body. Don’t be surprised if you can’t avoid processed foods immediately – it’s long-term work.

Also, if you love bread or other pastries, you should consider setting a personal limit. Generally, starch is bad for your teeth because of its immediate chemical reaction with almost all types of fluids. In the long-term, bread can damage your teeth – which will then cause gum swelling, irritation, and infection.

Do Not Aggravate Your Gums

Gum problems appear because of the style of your brushing and flossing techniques. If you keep rushing aimlessly, there’s a great chance that you will hit several areas of your gums. Aside from the pain or discomfort, this can lead to swelling and mild bleeding. For brushing, the solution is to use a soft-bristled, dentist-approved toothbrush. Watch your strokes carefully and always take your time. The normal brushing time is 3 minutes, covering your upper and lower teeth, molars, and your tongue.

Flossing is a different activity that must be discussed often. It requires exact movements with the dental string. Otherwise, gum sections and areas might bleed or get irritated. To avoid the hassle, you can just buy an automatic dental irrigator. This tool utilizes the pressure of water to remove plaque and bacteria.

What if you already have a painful gum infection? You can try natural home remedies, as well as the advice of your dentist. Don’t neglect gum infection or common sores because they tend to run deep and cause long-term damage. If your immune system is also low, you might even develop gum ulcers. At this rate, your dentist will probably try new dental procedures.


This year, make it a priority to take care of your gums and teeth. And not only this year – keep going for many, many years! Improved gum and teeth health will pave the way for a better life. The payoff is great – you won’t have to spend much on dental surgeries and cosmetic restorative options. Think about it!

Are you ready to take care of your teeth and gums today? Kitchener Dentist Centre is here for you! Contact us anytime for your next dental appointment!